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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Download PDF Firestarter

Download PDF Firestarter

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 14 hours and 53 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Release Date: January 1, 2016

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I don't think Stephen King gets the attention he deserves for his writing. He is consistently interesting, writes well, and has wonderful character driven plots. Yes, some of his themes do deal with the supernatural, but if you can get past that...I read Firestarter quite a while back and loved it then, and now loved it again. I think this is one of King's more credulous books, doesn't quite strain the ideas of the supernatural. Everything is quite believable, and he knows how to draw you into the story and make his characters live for you. That's more than can be said for quite a few authors out there today. Honestly I think King has written some great books, The Stand and Firestarter being two of my favorites.

Andy and his daughter Charlene, Charlie for short, are on the run. A government agency known as The Shop are after them. Years ago, The Shop was responsible for administering a secret experiemental drug into the veins of Charlie's parents when they were broke and naive college kids. The drug, called Lot Number Six, went helter-skelter through most of it's test subjects causing carnage which required a massive government effort to coverup the mess. For Charlie's parents, something in the drug altered their body chemistry. Her mother possessed a mild form of ESP where she could occasionally move things with her mind. Her father, Andy, could now "push" people into believing and doing what he wanted. Falling in love after being brought together by this strange experiment, they had Charlie and if you thought her parents had special abilities, wait until you get a load of what Charlie can do! The girl is a human flame thrower. She can create fires simply by using her mind to push it out and, as she got older, her powers became stronger. Now the government wants to control her ability and will stop at nothing to capture it.Firestarter seems to be an under appreciated tale, if such a thing were ever possible, from Stephen King. It never seems to be on any list touting his greatest works. It is, however, a very worthy story with strong characters mixed with a story that feels like it's smack dab out of the late 1970's TV show, In Search Of. ESP and government conspiracy cover ups were huge back then and, with how little people trust the government currently, it doesn't seem to be out of the possibility now. While its way too easy to say that this is simply a watered-down derivative of Carrie, Firestarter is much more and definitely worth checking out.4 1/2 Hot Potatoes out of 5You can also follow my reviews at the following links:[...][...][...]

Mr. King has probably saved my life more times than I can remember. I've been in some dark holes within my own mind and his stories help to bring a little light when I'm absolutely lost. I know this isn't a review of Firestarter but I have wanted to tell Mr. King how much he has helped me along the way for a long time. I will consider this my message in a bottle and hope it washes up along some special beach in the Northeast 😉 Thanks the man!

This is my all-time favorite Stephen King book, and the one I'd most love to see a sequel to. I bought it in hardback when it came out in 1981 and upon re-reading, it is still as strong as ever. If you like a good psy-talents, government conspiracy thriller, it doesn't get any better than this. I'll refer you to the publisher's description of the book, no point in me recapping that.Unfortunately the Kindle ebook, was littered with errors. I'm absolutely astonished that the publisher didn't proofread the ebook. If publishers allow this many errors (seriously, you can't go ten pages without hitting one) then I have to ask: why would any author go through a major publisher these days? You could hire an editor and a proofreader and then finally proof it yourself and come out with a better finished product.That said, the strength of the book itself still overcomes. Five stars.

Firestarter is the story of Andy McGee, possessing mild powers of mind domination, and his young daughter, Charlie McGee, possessing very un-mild powers of pyrokinesis. The story begins with Andy and Charlie on the run from agents of a mysterious government intelligence agency called the Shop. We learn how Andy and his wife got their powers and how she died from flashbacks interspersed with the main story. The antagonist the government, as represented by the Shop, and the primary antagonist from the Shop is Rainbird, kind of a poor man's Anton Chigurh, so loaded with traits and quirks something the whole is less than the sum.It is very much the kind of story Stephen King is known for. Heavy on suspense (with a lot of prescient comments dropped), use of science fiction tropes (psionic powers), heavy characterization, and philosophical sensibilities. The characterization isn't nearly as strong as in The Stand, for example, but the philosophical musings are better. King's strength isn't from dealing with it in the abstract (The Stand suffers from too much of this), but from dealing with it on a visceral level, e.g., capturing the impotent rage people feel when confronted by the Shop. He also nails the bureaucratic inefficiency inherent to a government agency, especially one as unanswerable to the public as a covert intelligence shop.

I am always in awe of how Stephen King writes characters that most writers, especially horror writers use as props. Women, children, gay people, people who are neuro-atypical or physiologically different, alcoholics, Stephen treats them all with the same respect and delights in tormenting them just as much as he does those characters who traditionally take center stage. As much as I enjoy his newer stuff, there is something amazing about Old School Stephen King and this is a fantastic example of Stephen at his best.

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