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Saturday, April 30, 2011

PDF Ebook Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications

PDF Ebook Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications

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Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications

Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications

Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications

PDF Ebook Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications

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Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications

About the Author

Mary Ann Cunningham teaches geography and geographic information systems (GIS), and environmental studies at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY. Her research involves using GIS to assess landscape-level problems in conservation and biodiversity. In particular, she is interested in understanding the nature of fragmentation in grassland environments and the effects of fragmentation on the make-up of bird communities. The agricultural landscapes where she has been working represent a complex and fascinating interaction of issues concerning working landscapes, resource use, remnant wildlife habitat, and landscape aesthetics. It is at the intersection of these issues that she likes to try and understand the geography of physical environments. Mary Ann earned a PhD in Geography at the University of Minnesota, an MA in Geography at the University of Oregon, and a BA in Geology at Carleton College.

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Product details

Series: Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications

Paperback: 456 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (December 13, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0073532517

ISBN-13: 978-0073532516

Product Dimensions:

9.4 x 0.7 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

134 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#177,060 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I was pleasantly surprised; I received a book in nearly new condition! I was amazed and shocked that there was no noticeable wear on the cover and all the pages were unmarked and straight! Perfect textbook and looked as if I purchased brand new for the price of less than $1 was the cheapest textbook I have ever purchased and used for a wonderful class and professor! Awesome.I am beyond pleased with this one.

I think this book was well written and had a lot of great information. I was taking an environmental class in college and this book was the required text and was a great companion piece for the class. It was an online class and this book was easy to read, follow and understand without any instruction. As a certified Environmental Education teacher this book is great for HS to College level students interested in the environment.

I purchased this book for my college environmental science course. It's a well written book that's very easy to understand. It could be the subject but I did not find this book to be boring or one that I didn't look forward to reading-- very enjoyable. This book is currently five years old but I still found it very up to date and current. I would highly recommend.Also, this has nothing to do with the book itself, but if you need this book for school buy it used from amazon. You should be able to find it cheap. I found mine for around four dollars. Good luck.

As an introduction, I am a sophomore studying Environmental Engineering. I took a survey-level ecosystem sciences course required for my degree, and this textbook was used. The text is written on an eighth grade level. Chapters lack any significant structure beyond section headings, and studying from the book is more like memorizing a series of facts and vocabulary words (yes!) than actually learning concepts. The ubiquitous use of bright colors, cartoon-like graphical outlines of text, and photos that seem like stock pictures from Corbis all detract from the seriousness of the text further.Once overlooking the poor presentation, the content itself is severely lacking. Students could acquire a more complete understanding of ecosystem science by reading US News and World Report or The Economist for a year, and in numerous passages the text openly contradicts modern scholarship in the ecosystem/environmental science field. I thought the purpose for regular updated editions was to avoid this.Therefore, I could not recommend this text for any bona fide instructional purpose. There are far superior options available that are still more than accessible to freshman students. This book appears to seek the ultimate least-common-denominator, and in the process forgoes any significant scholarly component.

item as described and delivered in a timely manner

Purchased this book for a college course and was pleasantly surprised at how interesting and informative it was. It was written in such a way as to make learning a breeze and delivered environmental science concepts in a straight-forward manner. I recommend this textbook highly.

Book came a little funky (it was used) but not too bad. Ended up returning it. Good info in it!

Needed for class

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Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications PDF

Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications PDF
Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications PDF

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ebook An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson

Ebook An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson

When coming with An Introduction To Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books On Mathematics), By Greg Michaelson, we really feel truly sure that this publication can be a great product to read. Reviewing will be so pleasurable when you like the book. The subject as well as exactly how the book exists will certainly affect just how a person enjoys finding out more and much more. This publication has that part making lots of people fall in love. Even you have couple of minutes to invest everyday to read, you could actually take it as benefits.

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson

Ebook An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson

Do you do any of these things that will lead you to be an excellent personality? Do you do some parts of those? Many people have desire to be an exceptional individual in all problem. Restricted problem and situation doesn't indicate that it's limited to do something better. When you want to choose to do something better, it is needed for you to take An Introduction To Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books On Mathematics), By Greg Michaelson for your support.

That's no question that the presence of this book is truly matching the visitors to constantly like to review as well as read again. The genre reveals that it will certainly be proper for your research as well as job. Even this is just a book; it will give you a huge deal. Feel the contrast mind before as well as after reviewing An Introduction To Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books On Mathematics), By Greg Michaelson And also why you are actually fortunate to be here with us is that you discover the best location. It suggests that this area is intended to the fans of this kin of book.

As known, publication is a great source to take when you are preparing to do something, having problem to solve, or having work for deadline. It can be a good friend for you to invest the moment beneficially. Promo concerning this book has been in different ways. As right here, we provide you're the An Introduction To Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books On Mathematics), By Greg Michaelson due to the fact that it truly gives outstanding system of somebody to review it.

Reviewing a book can help you to improve your idea, minds, lesson, experiences, and also fun. Also you have actually read numerous sort of book; it will certainly offer both very same and also various influences. For this publication, you can find a new method related to just what you truly need right now. By investing just few times a day to review An Introduction To Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books On Mathematics), By Greg Michaelson, you future will be much better with the lesson to obtain now. Prepare as well as always remind concerning it!

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson

About the Author

Gregory Michaelson is a Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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Product details

Series: Dover Books on Mathematics

Paperback: 336 pages

Publisher: Dover Publications (August 18, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780486478838

ISBN-13: 978-0486478838

ASIN: 0486478831

Product Dimensions:

6.5 x 0.5 x 8.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

31 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#178,735 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I've been trying to dive into functional programming, so I bought this book. The first chapter or so was a bit off in my opinion. The author should have covered why lambda calculus was invented and done a better job of giving a general overview. However, after looking up a few things online and getting a handle on it, this turned out to be a really amazing book. The author essentially teaches you how to build an entire programming language from first principles. It's quite a journey, actually. And in the process you actually understand how functional programming works. Knowing only beginner python I was able to follow along quite easily and if anything the author went into too much detail. So I found the pacing to be wonderful and because you understand everything that went on previously, the next part really isn't much of a leap. Many confusing functional programming peculiarities like partially applied functions, prefix notation, it's heavy use of recursion (and how it is applied) is a piece of cake. The book concludes with looking at two real programming languages, both of which are still extremely relevant today, and comparing it to the stuff we've been inventing with lambda calculus. The two example languages are Standard ML (which Haskell is largely derived from, for instance) and Common Lisp (which is the other major functional family of languages around today if you ignore prolog).So even though this is an old book, there's not a whole lot about it that's dated. If anything, it's dated in a very good way: it doesn't use academic language or assume you know a lot of programming concepts (many of which hadn't even been invented, so maybe that's part of it) or anything like that. It's easy to follow along with and lambda calculus is actually kind of fun. It's such a trivially simple method of calculating, but with thought you can create some very high-level math and programming ideas and see how they play out.By the way, no math knowledge is required to understand this book. Honestly, all you really need to know is the basic concept of addition and multiplication since the author will be implementing addition and multiplication functions. Other than that, there's no reason an absolute beginning to math or programming couldn't pick up this book. You might have to read the second chapter a second time after you get the hang of it.I want to give it five stars, but it was hard getting going like I mentioned. However, you can easily overcome that by finding and introductory article online or something. Nothing's perfect, but I'm very glad I bought this book.

The content is great and other reviews cover it well. However, be warned that the mathematical notation typeface is illegibly small on Kindle eReaders (I tried on a modern Paperwhite). Adjusting the font size does not adjust the typeface of the mathematical notation. Unless you plan to read in the browser (or maybe on tablet - I haven't tested that), you probably want to opt for the paperback edition.

This would have to be the BEST book I have read on the theory of Lambda Calculus and how to apply it to functional programming.This is a THEORY book, there is a bit of ML in it (but not much).If you are having issues understanding the Functional Language Paradigm, take a step back and get this book. I struggled for a year trying to understand Functional Programming and after reading this book and going through the exercises, I had a better picture of what to do and could step into Haskell and Erlang easier than before.

This volume will provide a solid foundation in functional programing semantics using the lambda calculus. This is a good second book on functional programing, for the reader desiring a deeper understanding of functional programming in general. The languages that they use in the end are Standard ML and Common Lisp, both of which are used in one form or another. (F/# for example has its foundations in ML). Lazy programming languages like Haskell are not addressed, and this is likely because at the time this book was written those languages were still under development.The coolest part is that this volume shows you how to do everything with lambda calculus, that is with functions. Numbers, booleans, recursion, its all here. Great fun for the right kind of person.

Like Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming (FP) is emerging as a mainstream paradigm for software developers. There are many great books out there that teach you functional programming, but largely neglect the theoretical/mathematical underpinnings. This language-agnostic book fills the gap with regards to the hows-and-whys and origins of functional programming. Apart from being extremely easy to understand and being fairly rigorous for an introductory-level book, this book also outlines the meanings and origins of some of the traditional terms and notations associated with functional programming, such as "consing". It wasn't until I read this book that I felt a sense of enlightenment as to the value of Functional Programming. Without a question, I have emerged as a much better software developer after reading this book.

The book is a good introduction to lambda calculus but the exercises are slightly weird. I think that if the author selected a programming language for the exercises it would be much better.The book is much better than Barendregt's book if you are simply looking to understand some of the concepts behind lambda calculus and not a full blown theoretical exposition of all that lambda calculus has to offer. Personally I just want to learn lambda calculus to help develop my intuition of functional programming languages.

Though I haven't finished the book yet. I like to way the book explains how to think about functional programming from the lambda calculus primitives: name, value, function application; and build from this ground into complex program. The downside is that the book uses abstract programming language, and the reader can depend only imagination and it's harder to understand the late chapters. But I think it's still worth just to read the early chapters. I give me a lot insight :)

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson PDF
An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson EPub
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An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson PDF

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson PDF

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson PDF
An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus (Dover Books on Mathematics), by Greg Michaelson PDF

Download PDF Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step)

Download PDF Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step)

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Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step)

Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step)

Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step)

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Reviewing a book could help you to boost your idea, minds, lesson, experiences, and also enjoyable. Also you have actually read lots of kinds of book; it will certainly offer both exact same as well as different effects. For this publication, you can locate a brand-new means related to exactly what you truly require now. By spending only couple of times a day to check out Easy English Step-by-Step For ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step), you future will certainly be much better with the lesson to obtain now. Prepare and constantly remind concerning it!

Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step)

About the Author

Danielle Pelletier is the president of English League, a translation and workforce training company that provides English and foreign-language training and cross-cultural education to international students and professionals working in universities and corporations. She has taught English as a second language at several post-secondary institutions including Canada College, Golden Gate University, and San Jose State University.

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Product details

Series: Easy Step-by-step

Paperback: 416 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (June 11, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071820981

ISBN-13: 978-0071820981

Product Dimensions:

7.4 x 0.8 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.7 out of 5 stars

53 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#55,280 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

My ESL adult student says the book is useful and easy to follow. As his tutor, I could see the book is well organized and will help students understand the foundations of English language. Assignments or short and applied to everyday life, which allows the student to use the lessons learned. The book is a bargain for the price.

I just ordered these books to teach a group of beginner ESL adults. They are working out beautifully! I'm going to keep these in mind the next time I have a similar class!

It is mostly advise on how to teach yourself English. Major point is that you should watch movies. Getting middle schoolers to watch video is no trick at all. Getting it to do so with the objective of learning - that's another question.

Fantastic book for helping tutor ESL students! The layout of the book is very nice. I bought the book for the conversation samples which are wonderfully thought out. The look and feel of the book are very nice.

Very useful book.

These are great resources for learning English - but the kindle version will not let you zoom in on the images and they are too small to read the print (I'm a young person), without which you cannot complete the exercises. Very frustrating.

Easy English Step-by-Step is a good guide for teaching and learning English. I recommend it for ESL teachers and students who are learning English on their own.


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Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step) PDF

Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step) PDF

Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step) PDF
Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners: Master English Communication Proficiency--FAST! (Easy Step-by-step) PDF

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Free Download The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell

Free Download The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell

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The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell

The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell

The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell

Free Download The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell

Exactly what do you do to begin reading The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering A Disney Classic (From The Magic Kingdom), By Jason Surrell Searching guide that you like to read initial or locate an appealing book The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering A Disney Classic (From The Magic Kingdom), By Jason Surrell that will make you intend to review? Everybody has difference with their factor of reading a book The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering A Disney Classic (From The Magic Kingdom), By Jason Surrell Actuary, reviewing behavior has to be from earlier. Lots of people could be love to review, yet not a publication. It's not mistake. An individual will be tired to open up the thick book with tiny words to review. In even more, this is the actual problem. So do happen possibly with this The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering A Disney Classic (From The Magic Kingdom), By Jason Surrell

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The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell

About the Author

Jason Surrell is an author, screenwriter, creativedirector and former Senior Show Writer for Walt Disney Imagineering. Jason is also the author of The Art of The Haunted Mansion; Screenplay by Disney: Tips and Techniques toBring Magic to Your Moviemaking: Piratesof the Caribbean: From the Magic Kingdom to the Movies; The Disney Mountains: Imagineering at ItsPeak; The Art of Marvel's TheAvengers; and has contributed essays and feature articles to The Imagineering Way, The Imagineering Workout, The Disney Insider Yearbook and disney twenty-three magazine. He alsowrote for Walt Disney Television's internationally syndicated televisionseries, Secrets of the Animal Kingdom.Jason is currently a Creative Director at Universal Creative.

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Product details

Series: From the Magic Kingdom

Paperback: 128 pages

Publisher: Disney Editions (August 11, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1484722299

ISBN-13: 978-1484722299

Product Dimensions:

8.8 x 0.5 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

144 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#25,202 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is basically a reprint of 2003's "The Haunted Mansion: From the Magic Kingdom to the Movies", completely scrubbed of any references to the underwhelming Eddie Murphy film, and with a new chapter on Hong Kong Disneyland's Mystic Manor (informative with lots of illustrations and photos) and a few new spreads on recent additions to the Anaheim and Orlando attractions (the attic bride and hatbox ghost for Disneyland, the new elaborate queue and gift shop at WDW). Even though the film was a letdown, its a shame to completely omit it from this new version--it is part of the attraction's history and produced some interesting design work that is worthy of inclusion. Also, too bad they didn't include a section on Mansion collectibles--a glaring omission from the first edition that they could have corrected here.That said, this is still the tops book for Haunted Mansion fans and there's enough new material here to warrant a repurchase.

I have enjoyed dreading this book. Be ready, though, it is about all of the haunted houses throughout the Disney properties...and they differ. I enjoyed reading about the development of them, and the differences between the international parks. I originally purchased it to read up on the Disney World attraction, so was not happy with all the insertions of the other parks---I would have preferred that they separate the discussion by park rather than intermingling it. I did not know that the Haunted Mansion in Disney World told a story, in spite of having ridden it many, many times. For example, the bride has been married five times, and if you look quickly when you get to the attic, you will see two brides on on the left side---first marriage, she wears one strand of pearls---second, two strands---up to five (three brides on the left side on the doom buggy). The wedding gifts are staged to be more elaborate with each wedding, The grooms' heads disappear signifying their deaths....on to the next wedding!

Buy the earlier version that this is based on if you can find it. I accidentally ordered both, missing that one is an update of the other (even though they have different titles). This one devotes way too much space to the temporary Nightmare Before Christmas reskinning. If you are one of the approximately three people who find the Nightmare Before Christmas version of the Haunted Mansion just as interesting or even more interesting than the regular Haunted Mansion, then you will think this is a five-star book. But if you don’t, you’ll likely get a little tired of seeing a half-page breakout box on virtually every page showing you what that part of the ride looks like at Christmas.

This updated version is definitely worth getting. I had an older printing which was too focused on the movie. This one adds new material and is worthy of the best attraction in the parks. Also it is sold in the parks, but get it here on Amazon. You'll get a better price plus you won't have to lug it around all day!

I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the history behind this magical ride. I especially enjoyed learning about all of the ways the ride differs at the different parks around the world. Having never been to The Haunted Mansion anywhere other than Magic Kingdom in Orlando it was nice to learn more about the other rides! I cannot wait to visit all the other Haunted Mansion's around the world now!

We are Disney World fans and this book was right up our alley! I heard the author on a podcast talking about writing this edition of the book --ordered it and was very pleased with it. I gave it as a gift and the recipient loved it - the cover even glows in the dark! Very informative with great pictures.

I got this book for my husband as a Halloween gift (it's his favorite holiday so I get him a little something to make it even better). Well, he read this book cover to cover and could not stop sharing the interesting factoids he found within with his family and me. It's been his favorite ride since he was a kid and he loved learning every detail about its creation.

As a HUGE fan of the Haunted Mansion, I thought this book was SO interesting! There were a lot of details about the creation and construction of the Mansion (in DL, WDW, Paris and beyond) that I had never heard before. The pictures are great, too! This definitely helped increase my knowledge and solidify my spot as household Haunted Mansion expert!

The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell PDF
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The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell PDF

The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell PDF
The Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic (From the Magic Kingdom), by Jason Surrell PDF

Saturday, April 9, 2011

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Spy Who Got AwayBy David Wise

Espionage, American Studies, Soviet Studies

  • Sales Rank: #541517 in Books
  • Published on: 1988-05-12
  • Released on: 1988-05-12
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 16 pages

From Library Journal
In spring 1983, Edward Howard was preparing for his first overseas posting as a CIA case officera tour in the agency's most sensitive station, Moscow. In June 1986, he became the first CIA officer to defect to the Soviet Union. Wise, a frequent writer on intelligence issues and co-author (with Thomas B. Ross) of The Invisible Government , interviewed Howard (in Budapest), his family, co-workers, and American counterintelligence officers to prepare this compelling analysis of events and mostly CIA bungles that led to a major U.S. intelligence disaster. The remarkable, clearly told story reveals intriguing snippets of the workings of American intelligence. Most appropriate for public libraries. BOMC featured selection. James R. Kuhlman, Univ. of Georgia Lib., Athens
Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Free PDF Visible Learning into Action: International Case Studies of ImpactBy John Hattie, Deb Masters, Kate Birch

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Visible Learning into Action: International Case Studies of ImpactBy John Hattie, Deb Masters, Kate Birch

Visible Learning into Action: International Case Studies of ImpactBy John Hattie, Deb Masters, Kate Birch

Visible Learning into Action: International Case Studies of ImpactBy John Hattie, Deb Masters, Kate Birch

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Visible Learning into Action: International Case Studies of ImpactBy John Hattie, Deb Masters, Kate Birch

Recently at the Visible Learning Conference, Professor John Hattie stood up in his opening address and said, "I’m looking at you all and thinking ‘What if I got this wrong?’" I feel the same way when educators ask to visit and I always end up in the same place – that Keilor Views is a living, breathing example that he didn’t. -- Charles Branciforte, Principal of Keilor Views Primary School, Melbourne, Australia

Visible Learning into Action takes the next step in the evolving Visible Learning story. It translates one of the biggest and most critically acclaimed education research projects ever undertaken into case studies of actual success stories, implementing John Hattie’s ideas in the classrooms of schools all around the world.

The evidenced case studies presented in this book describe the Visible Learning journeys of fifteen schools from Australia, USA, Hong Kong, UK, Sweden, New Zealand and Norway and are representative of the VL international community of schools in their quest to ensure all of their students exceed their potential for academic success. Each school’s story will inform and inspire, bringing to life the discussions, actions and reflections from leaders, teachers, students and families.

This book features extensive, interactive appendices containing study guide questions to encourage critical thinking, annotated endnotes with recommendations for further reading and links to YouTube and relevant websites. Drawing on the latest research into the major principles and strategies of learning, this essential resource is structured into five parts:

  • Know thy impact;
  • Effective feedback;
  • Visible learners;
  • Inspired and passionate teachers;
  • The Visible Learning School.

Visible Learning into Action is aimed at any student, teacher or parent requiring an up-to-date commentary on how research into human learning processes can inform our teaching and what goes on in our schools.

  • Sales Rank: #8077282 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-19
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x 7.25" w x 1.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 330 pages


"Forget romantic, utopian evangelism; this is a pragmatic and passionate examination of what excellent practice looks like in reality." -

"This text translates one of the biggest and most critically acclaimed education research projects ever undertaken into actual success stories [...] A hugely informative and fascinating read." - Martine Horvath, Early Years Educator

About the Author

John Hattie is Professor and Director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia and chair of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. He is the author of Visible Learning, Visible Learning for Teachers, and Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn, and co-editor of the International Guide to Student Achievement.

Deb Masters is a principal consultant at Cognition Education and the Global Director of Visible Learningplus. She has established the internationally-acclaimed Visible Learningplus school change model.

Kate Birch is an education consultant in the Visible Learningplus team at Cognition Education. She also works as an independent literacy consultant in schools.

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Visible Learning into Action: International Case Studies of ImpactBy John Hattie, Deb Masters, Kate Birch PDF
Visible Learning into Action: International Case Studies of ImpactBy John Hattie, Deb Masters, Kate Birch PDF